22/12/2020, 07:50:13
(Ultima modificare: 23/12/2020, 13:43:19 de DevilsRock.)
Harkorede Downloads Managment Originally PHP Script
1. Go to /includes folder and open connect.php file.
2. In connect.php file add your "database" details as required.
- $dbhost = MySQL Host
- $dbname = MySQL database name
- $dbuser = MySQL username
- $dbpass = MySQL password
- $url = Your site Url
then save the file.
3. Go to http://yoursite/install.php and follow the procedures there..
4. Delete the install.php file and your site is ready
Demo*: http://hdm-website.hi2.ro (este doar instalat, fara alte setari aditionale si este posibil sa primiti erori !!!)
* Pentru demo folosesc hostul hi2.ro, nu are rost sa le pun pe domeniu .ro , .com etc sau sa platesc gazduire pentru siturile de tip demo !!!
Print Screen:
Index: https://prnt.sc/w7k9rb
Admin: https://prnt.sc/w7kpsx
User Panel: https://prnt.sc/w7kq6i
Securitate: Nu contine virusi,scanat cu virus total : https://i.imgur.com/mW1uqTj.png
Functionalitate: Nu a fost testat
Link-uri descarcare:
- https://gofile.io/d/6AflSl
- http://www.girlshare.ro/3769998905.2
- http://www.fileshare.ro/e3427271749
- https://dbree.org/v/5cc242
- https://hxfile.co/om2r6u2u5y87
- https://turb.cc/9nnvpztbtjb7.html
- https://nippyshare.com/v/e1879a
- http://cutedrive.com/5w1votktp8ms
- https://katfile.com/dl2quphxs52k/wadaski...e.zip.html
- https://pixeldrain.com/u/AbAnLb4B
- https://clicknupload.co/sghdx0wtrfkh
- https://anonfiles.com/daz8081cpd/wadaskidwapclone_zip
- https://bayfiles.com/n2z10c1cp7/wadaskidwapclone_zip
- https://krakenfiles.com/view/0ad65aa399/file.html
- https://www48.zippyshare.com/v/n7gXYmRH/file.html
- https://fisiere.online/detalii/109
Info download:
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